Koi Care
Regular overfeeding is harmful to the Koi and their environment. We recommend enough for a quick feed twice daily. This is best for the water quality and the overall health of your Koi.
Water Quality and Filtration
Water quality is the most important part of Koi health. The filtration system should meet the demand of your growing Koi. If water quality starts to appear murky, your Koi may have grown beyond than the capacity of the filtration and it is time to upgrade the system.
Overstocking can cause the same result. Plan on 150 to 500 gallons of water per Koi, depending on size.
Chlorinated water such as most tap water is toxic to Koi. A chorine neutralizer should be used and only allow the recommended water/neutralizer ratio.
Quarantine prior to introducing new Koi
A Koi should be kept in a separate filtered tank for three weeks before introducing or reintroducing it into a pond. This step will prevent parasites and diseases from wiping out the established ecosystem of the pond.

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Koi Care